Olivia's Books, Quotes and Opinions

 I am not sure yet whether I am about to find a new home for my bookshelves or not at this site, but I will stretch my snout around the corner and sniff ...

All Read (1494) Planning to read (701) Currently reading (8)
Favorite (37) Wishlist (98) Reviewed (573)
a-jerk-is-a-jerk (40) a-z-challenge (26) adult-fiction (276) art (22) artificial-intelligence (17) author-from-down-under (78) available-for-swapping (26) beautiful-writing (77) boarding-school-plot (38) book-addicted-characters (6) borrowed-and-returned (105) caries-promotingly-sweet (7) check-bibliographic-data (222) check-for-paperback (29) check-in-february (1) check-in-november (2) check-in-october (1) check-in-september (1) chick-lit (136) children-s-books (184) christmas-winter (42) classics (109) cliffhanger (48) consider-letting-your-copy-go (10) contemporary_fiction (139) cry-a-little (53) debut (108) dragons (32) e-version (334) faeries-elves-pixies (105) family-grief-or-other-desasters (173) fantasy (165) favorites (121) favorites-of-2011 (35) favorites-of-2012 (27) favorites-of-2013 (26) german-originals (53) ghosts-dead-people (107) gods-demons-angels-immortals (212) greek-norse-roman-mythology (25) guilty-pleasure (42) high-entertainment-factor (48) high-expectations (215) historical-fantasy (73) historical-fiction (212) horror (40) hug-them-lick-them-favorites (41) i-cannot-tell-you-my-secret (70) in-love-with-the-cover (93) in-love-with-the-title (19) in-one-go (11) japan (32) lacks-fluff-or-hope (20) laugh-a-little (123) look-i-grew-old (18) love-story-romance (758) love-triangle (82) low-expectations (67) magical-realism (14) male-point-of-view (134) manga-comic (35) maybe-someday2 (23) memoirs-biographies (30) meow (31) mermaids-selkies (86) middle-grade-fiction (48) multiple-povs-letters (132) mystery-crime-sleuthing (173) new-adult-desasters (4) new-adult-fiction (41) non-fiction-coffee-table (18) not-afraid-of-sex-in-ya (95) older-than-me (1) on-shelf-to-comment-on2 (28) ordered (5) other-creatures (188) outer-space (57) parallel-worlds-dimensions (42) paranormal-humans (194) picture-books (137) poetry-novel-in-verse (20) pre-ordered (4) re-read-2011 (3) re-read-2012 (21) re-read-2013 (11) read-2008 (119) read-2009 (143) read-2010 (144) read-2011 (153) read-2012 (134) read-2013 (110) read-the-reviews-greedy-girl (60) retellings-continuations (114) road-trips (31) scb-challenge-2011 (17) scifi-dystopian-apocalyptic (243) seafaring-girls (19) second-try (3) self-published (63) sequel-no-thank-you (100) sex-and-glamour (17) shapeshifters (122) she-is-a-he-or-he-is-a-she (35) short-stories-essays (59) stays-with-me (541) steampunk (36) swapped-or-given-away (847) the-mother-daughter-thing (34) think-about-later2 (4) thriller (90) time-travel (60) to-boycott2 (9) to-re-read (59) to-read-e-book2 (112) top-twenty-wishlist (19) unfinished-2010 (43) unfinished-2011 (44) unfinished-2012 (32) unfinished-2013 (29) unfinished2 (243) urban-fantasy-paranormal (653) vampires (159) want-to-own (13) wishlist-children-s-picture-books2 (36) wishlist-hmm-maybe2 (125) witches-sorcerers-magic (205) wring-her-neck (38) ya-contemporary (387) yabc-quarterly-challenge-10 (12) yabc-quarterly-challenge-11 (5) yabc-quarterly-challenge-6 (10) yabc-quarterly-challenge-7 (10) yabc-quarterly-challenge-8 (10) yabc-quarterly-challenge-9 (13) young-adult-fiction (1162) zombies-monsters (51) Unshelved (2)