Olivia's Books, Quotes and Opinions

 I am not sure yet whether I am about to find a new home for my bookshelves or not at this site, but I will stretch my snout around the corner and sniff ...

About Me

My name is actually not Olivia. I chose the nick in honor of one of my favorite heroines, Piglet Olivia by Ian Falconer. I am not sure whether I am about to find a new home for my bookshelves or not at this site, but I will stretch my snout around the corner and sniff. I read mostly Young Adult fiction, but not exclusively. I adore well illustrated picture books and treat myself with a new one every now and then.

Currently reading

Cambria Hebert
Progress: 6 %
Marilynne Robinson
City of Bones
Cassandra Clare
Progress: 390/485 pages
The Sweetest Thing
Christina Mandelski
Progress: 75 %
Corsets & Clockwork: 13 Steampunk Romances
Trisha Telep, Maria V. Snyder, Tiffany Trent, Kiersten White, Jaclyn Dolamore, Tessa Gratton, Caitlin Kittredge, Adrienne Kress, Lesley Livingston, Dru Pagliassotti, Dia Reeves, Michael Scott, Ann Aguirre, Allan Frewin Jones
Chosen Ones
Tiffany Truitt
Progress: 15 %
Stadt aus Trug und Schatten
Mechthild Gläser
Storm (Elementals, #1)
Brigid Kemmerer
Progress: 39 %

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